Marine started HEMA 12 years ago with the 1.33 sword and buckler and has never stopped. She started in the “Ost du Griffon Noir club” in Toulouse (southern France) where she quickly became co-instructor and soon after instructor in 1.33.
She moved to Finland about 10 years ago and co-founded the Tampere HEMA club in Finland, where she stayed until the end of 2021.
She is a member of the Sword and Buckler family since 2014, which is a group based on sharing knowledge and experience.
In 2022 she became a member of the Board of directors of the FFAMHE, as well as an executive board member of the IFHEMA.
Over the years she gave several workshops internationally (Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Netherlands, Finland, and France). She also participated in organizing seminars, tournaments, and other kinds of events in Finland, as well as in France.
In 2019, she participated in the gala tournament of the European Games in Minsk with the French team and also took part in the public technical demonstration.
Her main practice is 1.33 sword and buckler, the 19th-century French cane and langes messer. But she also enjoys practicing dagger, longsword, and wrestling.