Vadi Longsword

Trainerin: Jo York

Disziplin: Langes Schwert

Philippo di Vadi Pisano was an Italian fencing master in the late 15th Century.
While sharing some core over lapping concepts with Fiore de’i Liberi, his treatise explores different ideas about footwork and guards (posta).
The class will explore some of his unique and (according to him) original concepts using Longsword and what they reveal to us about different strategies you can use in a fight.

Erfahrungsgrad: Neulinge, Fortgeschrittene, Experten

Empfohlene Ausrüstung: Langes Schwert, Handschuhe mit Unterarmschutz, Maske und Halsschutz, optional Fechtjacke

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